The public swoon’s
Inciting Incident
The Public Swoon is Kyla Gardiner and Barbara Adler. Together, they create and produce sprawling music theatre projects, experimental performance, and fake holidays.
Kyla and Barbara met in their first year of the MFA program at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
At the time, Barbara was deeply committed to making her band dress up as boy scouts.
2013 Accordion Noir Festival. Photo by Faber Neifer for VANDOCUMENT. L to R: Gavin Youngash, Skye Brooks, Pete Schmidt, Juhli Conlinn, Barbara Adler, Emily Lyall, Shannon Scott.
Kyla’s first class presentation was 80% about her cat, Agnes.
Pictured here,
and here.
The other 20% of the presentation was about Kyla’s work as a costume designer. She talked about making costumes that could create a private experience for the performer.
There were secrets, like invisible pockets sewn into a dress containing messages only the performer would know about. Or sometimes, just the process of paying attention to the performer’s needs through clothing could create a relationship and that would change things…
And what of Agnes, pictured here?
It turns out that considering Agnes was Kyla’s way of thinking through ethical relationships to the non-human.
Meanwhile, after a year or so of costumed rumination, Barbara realized that the boy scout thing was related to her fascination with ‘fake nature’ - the cultural practice and artifice we use to approach the non-human world.
“With so much in common, the obvious next step was to start creating musical theatre in an academic research institution…”